
What Color is That?

What Color is That?

Have you been on an awesome website that is clearly a WordPress theme and you want to see what else the developer has to offer? Once the license has been purchased, many people remove the link back to the developer that lies in the footer of the website. Understandably so… it makes a clean look without advertising someone else’s business. Once the link back is removed, it is difficult to find out who made it.


So what do you do?

Visit the Color Combos Website.

Go to the website, enter in the url of the website. Once there, press the get colors button. If color codes are found, you will be redirected to a color combinations tester page which will show you all the colors. Once you choose the colors you are looking for, you can create a color palette to use.

Do you need help with your website? We can create color schemes, marketing materials, websites and much more. Prices are very reasonable and we work with several designers for your best look!

Call 615-663-4620 for more details or click HERE to contact us online!